Account Management

Seamlessly handle Credit Notes, ensuring meticulous transaction tracking. Allocate expenses with ease using our Cost Centre feature, providing clarity in budget management. Elevate your financial control with comprehensive Finance Management tools designed to optimize your accounting processes effortlessly.


Downsides of Operating Without Integrated Accounting

  • Data Silos and Inefficiency: Without integration, financial data remains in silos, leading to inefficient processes.
  • Inaccurate Financial Reporting:Lack of integration hampers real-time reporting.
  • Compliance Risks: Non-integrated systems may struggle to keep up with changing regulatory requirements.
  • Customer Dissatisfaction: Billing errors from delays and inaccuracies can lead to customer dissatisfaction and strained relationships.
  • Reduced Productivity: Manual data entry and disparate systems reduce overall productivity.
  • Cash Flow Management Challenges: Without real-time financial insights, businesses may struggle with cash flow management.

Lot / Batch / Serial Tracking

Define product SKU. Scan item serial numbers for unique items. Assign Lot or Batch for products. Define warranty or manufacturing date for each item. Scan product at inward or outward for error free transaction. Generate, print barcode for items. Search by Lot, Batch, and Serial for complete transaction history.


Receipts :

Effortlessly manage your receipts with our system. From PI/LC invoices to packing lists, shipping bills, and incentive tracking, everything is streamlined. Automated reminders for due dates simplify the process, ensuring timely handling. The system also manages FIRC and more, providing a comprehensive solution for organized financial transactions.

Payments :

Simplify payments with our system: Capture transaction and advance receipts separately, set customizable approval levels, generate one-click vouchers, and easily tag bills and credit notes. Attach documents for reference, print bank cheques instantly, and receive automatic tax deduction alerts if applicable. Streamline your payment processes effortlessly.

Journals :

Ensure security in journal management with our system. Nominal account journals are separated from vendor accounts, reducing the risk of unauthorized access. Defined security rights control access, and a configured approval system ensures a secure workflow. Trust your journal entries are handled with integrity.

Cash Bank Journal / BRS :

Efficiently handle Cash Bank Journal and BRS with our system. Get a snapshot of cash and bank transactions, drill into details, and easily search by amount or date range. Streamline reconciliation with one-click reports and options to reconcile or upload clearing dates. Simplify your financial management effortlessly.

Best ERP for multi company, multi-location, multi user and multi currency

Cost Center Management :

This intuitive system ensures accuracy in your financial organisation, allowing you to efficiently track expenses and income. EXPAND smERP's user-friendly approach makes the management of cost centers a seamless and effective part of your business operations.

Effective Budgeting System :

Enhance financial planning with EXPAND smERP by setting annual budgets for account heads. Receive email alerts for any budget exceedances and generate detailed budget versus actual reports for comprehensive insights into your financial performance.

Credit Notes and Adjustments :

Simplify credit note management with EXPAND smERP. Handle value and quantity adjustments seamlessly, generate reports on outstanding credits, and ensure precision through defined approval levels. Streamline your financial processes with ease.

Financial Statements Overview :

EXPAND smERP offers a dynamic financial platform. Access both summary and detailed statements, drill down for insights, and customize views for specific date ranges. This flexibility ensures a detailed and tailored approach to managing your financial data.

Automated Reminders for communication :

Elevate customer engagement with EXPAND smERP's integrated CRM capabilities. Set customized intervals for regular customer communication, ensuring timely interactions. The system automates reminders and follow-ups, streamlining your communication processes and fostering stronger, more proactive relationships with your customers.

Efficient Data Entry and Journal Management :

EXPAND smERP simplifies data entry by allowing field duplication, and eliminating repetitive typing. The system ensures accuracy through pre-posting checks on journals ensuring accuracy before finalizing entries, making the process efficient and error-free.This combination of field duplication and accuracy checks makes data entry a seamless and error-free task, contributing to a more efficient and reliable overall workflow.